The World’s Desire pdf free download


The World’s Desire pdf free download. Across the wide backs of the waves, beneath the mountains, and between the
islands, a ship came stealing from the dark into the dusk, and from the dusk
into the dawn. The ship had but one mast, one broad brown sail with a star
embroidered on it in gold; her stem and stern were built high, and curved like
a bird’s beak; her prow was painted scarlet, and she was driven by oars as well
as by the western wind.
A man stood alone on the half-deck at the bows, a man who looked always
forward, through the night, and the twilight, and the clear morning. He was of
no great stature, but broad-breasted and very wide-shouldered, with many
signs of strength. He had blue eyes, and dark curled locks falling beneath a red
cap such as sailors wear, and over a purple cloak, fastened with a brooch of
gold. There were threads of silver in his curls, and his beard was flecked with
white. His whole heart was following his eyes, watching first for the blaze of
the island beacons out of the darkness, and, later, for the smoke rising from the
far-off hills. But he watched in vain; there was neither light nor smoke on the
grey peak that lay clear against a field of yellow sky.

The World’s Desire pdf free download

The World's Desire pdf free download
The World’s Desire pdf free download

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