The Library pdf free download


The Library pdf free download.“ALL men,” says Dr. Dibdin, “like to be their own librarians.” A writer on the library has no business to lay down the law as to the books that even the most inexperienced amateurs should try to collect. There are books which no lover
of literature can afford to be without; classics, ancient and modern, on which
the world has pronounced its verdict. These works, in whatever shape we may
be able to possess them, are the necessary foundations of even the smallest
collections. Homer, Dante and Milton Shakespeare and Sophocles,
Aristophanes and Molière, Thucydides, Tacitus, and Gibbon, Swift and Scott,
—these every lover of letters will desire to possess in the original languages or
in translations. The list of such classics is short indeed, and when we go
beyond it, the tastes of men begin to differ very widely. An assortment of
broadsheet ballads and scrap-books, bought in boyhood, was the nucleus of
Scott’s library, rich in the works of poets and magicians, of alchemists, and

The Library pdf free download

The Library pdf free download
The Library pdf free download

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