Showcasing Innovative Greece by Christos Bezirtzoglou pdf free download


Showcasing Innovative Greece by Christos Bezirtzoglou pdf free download. Regions are key players in the global economy: they are the first to be affected by economic changes and they represent the right “critical mass”. To compete in today’s global economy, and to keep or, even better, to attract the best people and the best companies, each region needs to capitalise on its knowledge base and to develop its capacity to innovate. Innovation should not be seen in a restrictive sense but should underpin all aspects of regional planning and policy development. Whether it be in the design of new products in companies or in the introduction of new working methods and processes among regional partners.

Showcasing Innovative Greece by Christos Bezirtzoglou pdf free download

Showcasing Innovative Greece by Christos Bezirtzoglou pdf free download

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